
A cow

Several years ago in a mountain, I saw a cow chewing and swallowing a whole plastic bag thrown by poor and horrible tourists. The cow then came to my dream and told me that she really wished the one who threw the plastic bag could have a chance to taste it as well.

幾年前我在青青草原上, 看到一頭牛用嘴拾起了草地上的一個紅白條紋圖案相間的塑膠袋,然後竟開始咀嚼並吞嚥。我跑到牠面前伸手抓著塑膠袋一角並和牠來回拉扯了幾下,而後牠猛力甩了兩下頭,我嚇著跌坐在地上,起身後我跋腿往回跑。等我再回頭,只見袋子最後一角也給吞了下去。這是普遍存在在眾人之中的惡劣習性幹出來的悲慘、荒謬的怪事!


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    1. Wow! Thank you so much for your feedback, Eric. Let's keep doing this.

    2. Ok, it's a win-win situation. I have no problem with that.

  2. Wang Chih-Yung, an Institutional Critique Artist, portraying two species, human and bull, fighting over a plastic bag, illustrated at least on the verbal expression of the project, the invisible human face on this emblazoned contemporary artistic piece. Being friend with Wang for over a decade, he never gave in his belief in being sarcastic and arrogant on matters which public might display paramount perception on. The phrase of Survival of the Fittest seems impossible to interpret with a missing human character, but it is possible when you see the writing. Maybe Wang's intention is to leave that part behind. The fighting between two various species, generates a fusion of irritation and absurdity on Wang's sensation, and therefore with refusal to lower his standard to please the Wealth group. The distinctive colors on surface and shade, at least on the aesthetic sense, having blunt presentation with a highly-vibrant comparison.

    What I like about Wang is, knowing the clarity of the human scoundrel-ism but with refusal to show the elements on a portray, of course left with the only possibility- a significant written expression on description.
    Well, the feedback coming from an amateur art enthusiast like me, is subject to discussion by arts in any form or enthusiasts like myself.
    Art is only valuable to those who appreciate and cherish. Preservation of art and artists is vital to my personal life and continuous accomplishment.
